Sunday, March 11, 2012

Alfalfa Studio: Graphic Design, Branding, Web Design and Visual ...

Every so often comes a designer (or an artist) that rather than demonstrate great technical abilities and understanding of the principles of design, simply makes us think. While design is almost always strictly about appearance, our thought process runs smooth not only upon the basic provision of ‘pretty things to look at’, but less obvious things as well. Gordon Holden is in no way your traditional designer or artist, if only because he has no desire to be thought of as such. Instead, he makes you giggle at first, and then think.

Holden's work may his a nerve or two.

I am really unsure as to how I would personally classify Holden’s work. It isn’t indie art, because again, there really isn’t much you would ever expect to see displayed in an art enthusiast’s living room, and let alone in a museum. With the insatiable growth of the Internet, we learn of new formats indigenous to the World Wide Web. Gordon Holden certainly uses this fact to his advantage, presenting his work that, well, you might be able to replicate using Paint and dull copy-paste skills. It is truly sublime, however.

Humorous and nonetheless creative.

Having not been classically trained and gone to college in Vermont, those may have contributed to his unique style and thinking. While design and art making are broadly relished, the artists on the opposition like Holden bring to the table qualities purposely avoided by most, and that’s what makes them, at times, so great.

Controversial, almost always.


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