Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Westerner: Alfalfa industry wrestles with GE contamination issues

Alfalfa is the fifth glyphosate-tolerant crop commercialized in the U.S.; however, it has become perhaps the most scrutinized and debated of all genetically engineered crops grown. Four growers and two seed company executives delineated the issues swirling around Roundup Ready alfalfa at the Western Alfalfa and Forage Conference in Las Vegas that drew 700 people. They include: * Seed production isolation/possible cross pollination of Roundup Ready alfalfa with conventional varieties. * Availability of conventional varieties in the future. * The capability to guarantee GE-free alfalfa for organic dairies. * The impact of RR alfalfa on export markets opposed to GE crops. Although many concerns were expressed, the general consensus of the panel was that the issues can be resolved, but will require considerable cooperation, adherence to rules to avoid contamination in critical market segments and neighborly awareness to achieve coexistence. However, coexistence is a non-issue for Fairfield, Idaho hay grower Bill Simon, who successfully grows and markets organic, conventional and Roundup Ready alfalfa from his 4,500 acres of hay production...more


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