Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Joanne's Blog Spot!: Hello Alfalfa!

Just a quick post before I continue on with my work..

The amount of work I have to catch up on after missing only 1 week is astounding!

With so many things on my mind.

I've asked for so many extensions for everything it's unbelievable. I'm surprised my editor still entertains my requests!

Anyway, despite my busy schedule I managed to catch 2 movies recently... haha. Battleship and The Flowers of War. Battleship was a big disappointment, with a failure what they they called a plot and such predictable script I was blown away with disgust. Haha... I think it's this thing to do with me improving on my movie review articles and also script-writing classes.

The second movie was much better, definitely had a lot of human touch which Battleship completely lacked. At some points a wee bit too stressful though, and kept reminding me of The Rape of Nanking. I daresay it's one of the best movies I've caught of late, even beating Hunger Games because I knew what to expect in the latter and things were too good to be true in Hunger Games. The Flowers of War spoke of true pain and anguish that mankind is wont to inflict upon themselves.

I skipped some Bengkel Pelajar Cemerlang today ("wajib" for students with CGPA 3.5 and above) because my MASUM letter had me covered up to today, and I missed too many classes to attend such an event. On other days I would have gone, pretty interesting and useful topics I think, but today, I couldn't. Was scrambling to find all sorts of excuses to skip it when I pulled out my MASUM letter and oh joy, it said I was to be excused until the 17th of April! =D Hahaha!

It was also until 3pm and I had tuition at 1.30-2.30pm. My students are more important than this!

I've been contemplating lately.. about tapping into the English Literature tuition world. I know there's a dire lack of teachers for this subject... very, very few teachers are involved in this. Haha. Simply because I thoroughly enjoy teaching, and oh what a joy if I could teach my favourite subject!

Ok, I'm secretly trying to force my current English students into loving literature, but it's only worked for one thus far. My other 2 students are too busy trying to score straight As to worry about loving anything they study. -__- I will try harder...

Really, it's a serious thought.

More money!

People wonder why I want to start working so quickly. I've been told numerous times to enjoy my student life, because the working life is so stressful it's not worth it. Me, I prefer to believe that most of these people never really worked hard on their studies when they were students. All my studying life, I've slept less and worked later into the night than most of the working people around me ever have. The only times I enjoy are my holidays... even then, I will have some sort of work to do. The pains I put into projects, assignments, presentations, and exams eat up so many hours I sometimes survive on only 4-5 hours of sleep a night without naps in between.

So why did I take up tuition and writing articles with my hectic life? For $ la, what else! Haha, also for the experience. I've given up all my free afternoons to tuition classes now, my Tuesdays are from 1.30-2.30, 3-4.30, and 4.30-6.30pm. On top of my 8am-12pm uni classes in the morning. I have felt like quitting everything, especially like today, when I only had 4 hours of sleep the night before. But no, the sense of responsibility that comes along with this job...

One thing I've learnt, something I've always struggled with my whole life, is to procrastinate less. I've noticed that I now do things nearly instantly, simply because I know I cannot afford to procrastinate anymore. A lot of room for improvement, but hey, at least there is SOME positive change in this aspect!

Talk about a learning experience this sem. At least with MASUM over, I no longer have to attend training 3-4 times a week. *phew*

Anyway, have a wonderful day ahead of you!

God bless,


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