Energy Saving Pig Lamp, Ariel Rojo, 2008. (Available through MoMA Design Store)
Looking for an evening filled with great design and stimulating conversation? Look no further! You are invited to a special panel discussion happening today at the Americas Society.
The event is part of the celebrations to launch Destination: Mexico at the MoMA Design Store this week.
From their press release:
In collaboration with ProMexico and the launch of Destination: Mexico at the MoMA Design Store, this panel discussion will touch on issues of local support in developing and fabricating Mexican contemporary design, the constraints and resources available to designers practicing in Mexico, as well as the challenges of working within a growing creative economy.
Speakers Ana Elena Mallet (curator), Ariel Rojo (designer), and Kerstin Scheuch (general director, CENTRO) will participate in a conversation on this subject moderated by Jorge Rivas (curator, Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros).
Destination: Mexico, highlighting emerging Mexican designers, is the tenth edition of the Destination series to be launched on April 26, 2012 at the MoMA Design Store, SoHo.
Little Conscience Earrings by Alfalfa Studio alum Alejandra Anton. (Available through MoMA Store)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
6:00 PM
Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York, NY
Registration is required
Admission Fee: Free for Americas Society Members;
$10.00 for non-members
For more information and tickets click HERE
Graphic identity created by design students at CENTRO
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