(ALFALFA IS NEXT, Please research ALFALFA Genetic modification) Tell the USDA: action.foodandwaterwatch.org The USDA is getting closer to approving Monsanto’s genetically engineered alfalfa. One of the biggest impacts of allowing the use of GE alfalfa is contamination of other crops, including organic alfalfa, which is used by most organic dairies. The USDA actually acknowledges the problem of contamination, but claims consumers and others in the organic movement may not care about the contamination. This is absurd, considering one of the main reasons many people seek out organic food is to avoid genetically engineered crops. We need to let the USDA know that consumers don’t want genetically engineered foods, and don’t want organic foods to be contaminated. Tell the USDA to reject the approval for Monsanto’s GE alfalfa. Tell the USDA: action.foodandwaterwatch.org Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada: oacc.info www.justsaynotogmos.com ♞▬ ↑ΠF☼ЯM@╫↑☼Π ЯΞ(LΩ√Ξ)U╫↑☼Π ▬♞ This video is a couple of years old so names of executives may have changed. GMO’s are made by manipulation of extremely deadly viruses & bacteria (such as E. coli) that have been engineered to be IMMUNE TO ANTIBIOTICS Monsanto spends millions of dollars each year in order to “sugar” coat the facts of what GMO’s actually are and more importantly, how they are made. This video straight-forwardly explains the scientific facts on how Monsanto manufactures their GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms …
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